saya  a.k.a. philosophique girl

I'm just a girl who tries to make her music

talk about what I love and my day

【 techno=98%, my day+fashion etc.=2%】
techno→dark,deep,hard,ambient or mainstream

sending hallucination from Japan_ _

follow me ?



still learning making music

hi there :3

it's still very cold in Japan~

actually it was snowing a few days ago. (very rare in my city!!)

how about your city,everyone?

be careful not to catch a cold :3

btw, I uploaded my new track. so I'm gonna put it here,too ;)

(my work is still not-professional...I know...)

my studies of making music is getting slow bc of my personal things... :/

but I'll never give up on keeping it up XD

have a great week ♡♥

ciao ciao.

まだまだ 寒い日が続きますね-

雪が降ったのは テンションあがりました(笑)が、

寒すぎて 何もできないですねwww


新しいトラックをうpしてみました ゜ω゜

改めて聴くと 派手だったかな~とか


思うことはありますが、地道に 究めて行こうかと思いまっす....

音楽制作奮闘記編でした (漢字が並ぶと イカツく見えるっす...)

みなさま インフルやノロには お気をつけて-

では- :D

2 件のコメント:

  1. nice to see that you're still putting time into studying and developing your music! doesn't matter if it is only a little at a time; those small amounts add up in the end :)

    anyway, lately it has been pretty hot here (between 26c to 32c). i wish it would snow even a little in my city, haha. hope youre staying warm!

    1. thank you so much for kindly comment c:
      I will keep trying to get some results in the end...!

      wow! very hot there! you don't have to care about catching a cold.
      wanna give this coldness to your city. hahaha
