saya  a.k.a. philosophique girl

I'm just a girl who tries to make her music

talk about what I love and my day

【 techno=98%, my day+fashion etc.=2%】
techno→dark,deep,hard,ambient or mainstream

sending hallucination from Japan_ _

follow me ?



infiniteness of the Internet

CEY @ Opening La Draft, Peniche Touta, Paris, 220613

I recognized that I'd got 1 new follower on twitter this morning.

(It's rare for me.)

and he told me that he came from this blog.

that's so nice to connect and communicate with people who like the same things.

I thought I was happy to write this blog. c:

Internet is magnifique ! lol

めずらしく 新しくtwitter にフォロワーさんが増えたものだから


このブログから Moleculeつながりで フォローしてくれたそうです

すきなものが共通する人と つながれるってほんと嬉しいです


インターネットばんざい\(^-^)/ って感じですww

そして 今日もsoundcloudを 貼り付けます....

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